World shift in collective consciousnessInteresting continuation of the my last conversation with 13th Dimension entity Mercredan this morning on the history of Earth and where the Human race is heading in the future. It really gives a much bigger picture than our archaeologists have been able to provide using physical evidence and shows the immense importance of this moment in history as a time of BIG transformation.

There was a little note at the beginning of the session for the channeller Francis Evans which I will leave in for you to read as a Law of Attraction lesson. I can expand on this at a later time of you want me to.

Anybody fancy making a restaurant with me? Or a bedroom for that matter. Ha!

Mercredan interview

Channelled by Francis Evans interviewed by Annabelle Drumm
17 November 2014

Topics: 6 Root Races, Akashic Records, 6th Dimension, imagination, Atlantis, Lemuria, destruction and creation, psychic abilities, telekinesis, Earth and Human evolution


M: Good morning. Once again it is my privilege and pleasure to come and spend these few moments of your time. Today I should begin with a message to my dear friend (Francis). It is so important to clear away, shall we call it, the (druffs? truss?) that build up around so many ideas. So much then arises from expectation. One might have as much intention as you like. It will never over ride the expectations that you already have installed. So, it is important to remember that you create your reality not from new beliefs but from old ones that are sitting in memory. I want to put it that way because it so aligns with your own technology. Technology is of course beginning to rule in your planetary system so it is important to complete every transaction by cleaning out residual memories.

Good to begin! Let us see where our conversation will take us today.

A: OK. I have several things I want to ask. Last time we were speaking of Lemurians going to Atlantians going to Homo-sapiens. From what I have read is that there were 4 root races before this 5th one. Is there one that we have missed?

First Root Race

M: Let us say this. In the records – and what is so often call the Akasha, that is the history of evolution – One begins, first of all, with the recognition of Self. Then, the first great Race was spiritually inclined at such a degree that there was no separation and no gender associations. In fact, then, only a single unit was truly settled. While there were a multitude of real points, none of them were seen to be at odds. Do you understand? So the true nature of paradox was as yet undefined.

Of this then, only a single time frame was emanated or, should we put it, emanating. Because as One descends into reality One does not lose that that went before. Do you understand?

A: Yes

Second Root Race

M: So let us put it this way. The great unifying force still accessible to Humankind, One could call the first of the great Races. From that point of view, a second emanation occurred. One that recognised creative and dis-creating forces. Destructive forces. And the paradox was that every new evolutionary force required the breakdown of the previous. Then destruction pre-empted creation. Does that follow? If you want to build a new shopping centre one has to first of all clear the old site.

A: Yes. So when we spoke of Lemurians last time not being in physical form…

M: None of these are in physical form as such. They preempt physicality.

A: So you still have destruction and creation without physicality.

M: Of course. One has first of all to clear the mind of (druffs? truss?)

A: What is it? Druss?

M: Shall we say the remnants of old patterns. That is, thinking or whatever it is. One has to clear it away for the new to emerge.


Third Root Race

M: And of course everybody still requires this. Then, as you descend more, One begins to magnetise, to make form out of concepts. That is what we have called Lemuria.

A: Is the third race then?

M: That is the third. I want to point out that when the name was assigned to it, it was assigned to reflect the “monkey nature”. So it was simply named after one such.

A: Lemurs!

M: Mm, of course. Because One has to give things language in order to make it more realistic. More real.

Fourth Root Race

Then the Fourth Descent is the concrete mind. Not what was available at the second level, which is the conceptual mind. At the concrete mind level, form takes shape. Like the great architect, One creates forms, One manages them into reality.


M: As such then, laws that have long been forgotten were placed into action. That is, shall we call it, the magnetic forms in such fashion as what you would call ultra-sound and infra-sound. One could be used to clear the site and the second to manipulate solid matter into shape, whether it was redefining such shapes or simply moving them with what you would call psychic energy.

A: I’m assuming this would include moving very large stones.

M: Of course!

A: Yes!

M: Because once One manipulates at such a level, One is interfering with the laws of solid situation, solid nature. You are not manipulating solid articles as much as you are manipulating the forms of such solid articles. You understand? One moves, first of all, the idea of them and the solid form must of course follow along that pathway.

Fifth Root Race

A: So would these laws (skills) be beneficial for us to learn again or are they not going to be needed in the 5th root race?

M: Let us say the Fifth race is the solid form, you have lost contact with such nature. Remembering this, that what is at the fifth level, is indeed solidity and as you move beyond, One is once again raising One’s intentions.


One also has to remember that during the Atlantian period, there was indeed conflict at an extraordinarily energetic manner, what you would call “magical wars”. Wars carried out in the mind. And of course, you are once again at the crossroads of such powerful influence. However, because of past connections there is enough unity to separate out the two distinct forms. Creativity and destructivity.

A: But as they separate out, is this when we end up with two worlds?

M: That is correct.

A: Right. But once the destructive one destructs itself…

M: That is correct

A: …you lose the paradox? You are only creative from there forward?

M: Let us say, One understands the nature of destruction, of the need to keep it in balance. For whatever reason, One has to manage the power of destruction so that it is in balance with the creativity. You understand? At the present time, war is more destructive, more attempts to control, than it is to keep the balance between freedom and responsibility. Does that make sense?

A: It does. And so that balance will come back into being.

M: And the balance is exactly what destroyed the Atlantian spark. As such, while it was mostly understood, Consciousness did not lose – cannot lose – it’s growth, as such. Whatever One learns is stored in the volumes of knowledge. So, such is available within the Akasha. That is, the entire history of Consciousness and conscious Evolution.

A: Right. OK. That beautifully brings me around to my next question. I have been learning last week about Earth being an experiment as a “living library” and I’m wondering if these Akashic records are connected with that idea. That maybe its something to do with our DNA, which is not zipped up at the moment and by zipping it up we will get access back to that library again.

M: The challenge for individuals is the confusion between solid physicality and Consciousness. Whatever realm One exists in and exists as is solid to nature. That is, the Lemurian field was no less solid to those Beings of Consciousness that inhabit it.

Just as the solid field you call Earth is just a figment as much of imagination as anything else.

So, only within it does it hold any security.

Only within it does it hold any boundaries.

5th Dimension

M: Only within the three dimensional world was there no experience of time.

Only in the fourth dimensions is there a sequence of events extending over periods.

Only in the Fifth dimension does One begin to extricate Oneself from limitations. Do you understand?

Only in the Fifth World does One perceive that intentions create reality and it is only when One understands this that you open up to the sixth World. 

Sixth Root Race

M: So the 6th Root Race is indeed a record of One leaving behind solid reality.

A: The Sixth race?

M:  Of course. As One begins to understand the nature of reality, One can create and dis-create forms with just a “flick” of One’s imagination. So the solid nature once more returns to it’s fluidity and so the Earth as such, is only a location that has dimensions and attributable coordinates. You understand?

A: Yes

M: Now you can meet within a specific location at a particular time. Otherwise there would be no relationships.

A: I was wondering about that because if we… even looking at teleporting, if you can move into a different time as well as a different space, that if I wanted to meet a friend, rather than set a date, time and a place, I would … how would that work? Would I just check in with them and say “Hey, do you want to talk now?” (laughs)

M: Of course. One would simply be in a receptive frame of mind.

A: Yes

M: Then your receptive frame of mind might decide to create a comfortable restaurant or even shall we say under certain circumstances, a very plush bedroom.

A: (laughs)

M: And then you would invite someone who would, of course, in a receptive manner perceive the environment just as sensitively as it is created.

A: Yes

M: So you would then decide to “merge” into such a frame of reference understanding that it is a co-creation and, as such, not owned as anybody’s own room. You understand, you create the room but it is no longer yours when you invite somebody to change the flowers. Do you understand what I mean?

A: So if you invited somebody in and you “merged” for a while, then would the bedroom just disappear once you had finished what you were doing?

M: Not at all but you might decide that you are not so happy with the bedspread. The colour is not to your liking so you might simply change it. There would finally have to be a recognition of the co-creative forces. Until an acceptable joint venture formed, there might be a number of shifts in the background image.

A: Right ok… I think my mind is still seeing this in terms of time.

M: I want to add to that. Of course the purpose of that is to truly develop the relationship on more communicative levels than simply speech and self definition. If you are in a truly cooperative relationship you will allow some flexibility. One might simply, in your own cases, dress slightly better than you would if you were by yourself. You dress up to meet expectations of others so that that will make the communication easier to perform.

A: And would that still be a part of the future? I wondered if anybody would wear any clothes at all.

M: Well if you were in your bedroom, perhaps not. But if you were at the restaurant then what would be the point of upsetting all the other diners?

A: No! Of course if the expectation was still there…

M: You understand what I mean, because a public venue created by anybody is still co-creative. Everybody would of course agree upon …

A: dress code

M: …the decoration and the dress code. In your own world running around naked proposes different views than one of formal attire.

A: (laughs)

M: Or if you were at a pyjama party as such, wouldn’t that also give a different way of being, of behaviour?

A: Yes (laughs)

M: You are formal it is one thing, if you are in a more casual frame, like at your beach, a different way of behaving. More relaxed.

A: Right. I ask this because I wondered if in the future we are so much more in touch with our own selves and so much more compassionate towards others being themselves, I wondered if it was necessary to still change dress codes. I just wondered. Mm.

M: Let us say each one is still learning about themselves because up until the seventh frame of reference (maybe talking about sub-roots or whole root races?), when you start to recognise the deeper internal unity of all in which nothing remains hidden, not only do the clothes disappear but also the physical body. Because then there is no longer separation nor gender distinctions. Then what is being hidden?

Do you truly want to be energetically connecting with all opposite genders where ever you go? Sexuality is an important instinctual necessity that came into being only at the Fourth Root level. Not that is was not in place but it was not manifesting.

So sexuality as such, between different units did not appear relevant at the manifest level until the Atlantian period.

A: Yes, I understand that.

M: Prior to that while it was more that each individual carried the gem of both genders.

A: So this new epoch that we started December 2012, is that starting us in to the 5th or the 6th Race?

M: That begins to move into the 6th. The first of the 6th Roots. (Francis has described this as each Root Race having its own sub-roots.) That is, what was previously called… I am not entirely in alignment with the naming in such a fashion, but at this level it can also be useful because there remains all of the previous unfoldings in background. That is, you are not so much moving on as adding a new perception. You are rising up out of the ashes of your past to integrate all that has gone before.

A: So it doesn’t dissolve. It’s still part of our foundations.

M: Of course but not one in which you are any longer focussed. You understand?

A: Yes

M: If you are not focussed it is in the background but undistinguished. That is the physical world no longer has substance because you are not focusing within it. As such let us say that your dream world does not exist as such when you are focussed in your waking state. As your waking state is not real when you are focussed in your dream world.

A: Yes yes

M: And that is how the similarities are.

A: OK… That feels like a complete conversation as it is. I’ve got a couple more questions but I’ll keep them for next time.

M: That is important, isn’t it, that you do not take away from the energy of such perceptions.

A: Yes yes

M: Because as you move forward you are opening up more dimensions, more frameworks of perception and fitting together laws that have seemed somewhat at odds.

A: Mm, and I find more often in my dreams that it feels like I am looking at things with some sort of deeper dimension. It’s very difficult to put it into words but it has a whole new depth to it, a whole different perspective, I suppose, that I could not see in 3D.

M: Of course and that is a different conversation.

A: OK.

M: So let us…

A: keep it as perfect as it is already! (laughs)

M: And let us watch how we build on such understandings.


M: Different input. Then thank you once again for your trustworthy nature and your ability to hold together and ask such relevant questions.

A: Thank you very much.

M: Then thank you and good morning.

A: Good morning.



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