Releasing the Chains Book Launch January Bonus

Hi there,

Congratulations on purchasing ‘Releasing the Chains’ by Lisa Gibson.

We know you will get many insights from this expert author. Once you’re finished, we encourage you to review her book on Amazon and other book review sites to help spread the word.

4 Minute Break water meditation music CD and mp3

As a bonus for your purchase we have offered you two tracks from one of our upcoming CDs ‘4 Minute Break: Water’.

The tracks are designed to use in the middle of a busy day to give you a mini-meditation. Four minutes to calm down, clear your mind and find your intuition again so you can cope better with the rest of the day.

Ms Gibson’s work is very much about using Forgiveness to calm the waters between people. Here at Kitegirl Coach we have personally researched much into how refusing to forgive carries forth for LIFETIMES. The personal baggage you build from holding the grudge will continue indefinitely until you make the effort to make peace.

Read this article on Forgiveness found after 500 years here.

So finding a way to lose resentment, hate, grudges, fear and anger has far bigger connotations than you can possibly imagine. Forgiveness is crucial if you wish to diminish your baggage and start letting the good things, the wonderful people who treat you well and the amazing opportunities you desire into your life.

The fact you have purchased ‘Releasing the Chains’ and started to seek advice means you are already well on the way!

What more can Kitegirl offer you?

Download your FREE tracks here

Right click the links below and save each attachment onto your own hard disk or music player.
Please exercise caution when listening while doing activities which require your full attention.

cheers, Kitegirl Coach 🙂

2 Time out

10 Lake of perspective

Buy Lisa Gibson’s other book on Amazon



Kindle Edition