Ancient history of the worldI wanted to post links to this book as it is referenced in the latest conversation with channeller Francis Evans before we began our Mercredan session.

This is a VERY “big picture” book looking at the ancient history of the Earth before it was even physical space and time. It looks at different races of people and predictions for the future. Written – I expect channelled – and published in 1888.

Even looking at the summary is very similar to the channelled Mercredan session speaking of Lemurians, Atlantis and through to the modern day Homo-sapiens. I’ll post that next plus I’ll add a series of videos from Kyron on how Lemurians were able to escape their sinking mountain and spread around the islands of the Pacific to places including Rapa Nui (Easter Islands near South America). This is at a much earlier date before the time of Atlantis.

Wikipedia summary:

The Secret Doctrine downloadable


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