As mentioned in the last post about Jean Ederman aka Eric Julien, here is an edited version of the information about how time and 3D works which he says he received during an alien encounter around 2002. I’ve edited it myself. Visit the original page with the full text here as there is much more explanation and pondering around Quantum Physics, normal physics and UFOs.

The detail matches much of what you’ll already find on this blog from other sources and I’m always happy to add another source as each will have their own way of interpreting.

This author has aviation experience and knowledge so his point of view is more technical from our usual channelling and spiritual sources.

Read slowly, it’s quite techie. I’ve added my own comments in italics.



A little background

A strange phenomenon occurred on March 7th, 2002, quite late (11.30 pm) on a Thursday evening in the house where we lived on the island of Reunion. While I slept, my wife heard an intense noise followed immediately by the barking of the dogs in the area (a quiet country area)… like a wire spinning very quickly with sudden banging or crackingsounds. The sound was so loud that she thought at once of a helicopter which was going to crash down on us. However, the “volume” of the noise was so great that it was far louder than the blades of a helicopter. So she was expecting a terrible crash but it didn’t happen. The sound rapidly disappeared. She went to look through the window but no neighbour showed the slightest movement. Then the barking stopped.

My wife told me all this the next morning at about 11:00.

I got up at 4:30 and began writing for three hours. In fact, the visions which I had had in 1990 resumed their intensity in understanding without the actual images being seen. I felt a compelling order to pass on this information.

New information reached me some of which is going to drastically change our vision of the world and the equations of the physicists. It gives a prodigious coherence to all UFO and paranormal phenomena:

The unit of time expands or contracts!

Parallel universes are nothing other than a different flow of time.

In fact, time possesses three dimensions ! It’s not easy to read what follows without a good dose of concentration because it is a little bit difficult. But if it were easy to get out of the matrix we would have already learnt how to do it. So here is the triple nature of time :


Direction of the flow of time. It is the sequence of time that establishes the relation between causes and effects. In a trivial way, it is the arrow of time.

It describes the visible transformation of matter and events. The direction of time is not linear but intermittent. The direction of time has two directions that can be represented by a graph axis of a function. The most acceptable is therefore the natural arrow of time going from past to future. The second direction goes from the future towards the past. This one is more difficult to interpret because it occurs beyond a definite rate of flow (see the density below).

The keyword of Dir-Time is: transformation .

It is therefore the direction of the variation of the time units during an exchange of information or a movement.

Unit of time: temporal quantum ( Qt). Notion introduced in September, 2002.


Fluidity of the flow of time. It is the relative quantity of time that affects the behaviour of matter and events. It describes their speed of transformation.

The density of time is not linear but intermittent, therefore fractal. It implies that events are more or less numerous in quantities of time that are defined by convention. In other words, in a density of time D, there are fewer ‘bits’ of information than in a density D+1. D-time can be represented by a graphic axis describing the passage from one density to another.

The keyword of D-Time is: speed (of transformation).

It is a quantity of time units during an exchange of information or a movement. It is also extended as the possible quantity of information or the quantity of movement per conventional unit of time (second). The temporal density is the key of the science of tomorrow.

It is necessary to understand that in one second, there is a variable quantity of units of time. The higher the density of time, the higher the number of quantas of time (we’ll come back to this later on). But all the densities of time are flowing at the same time, including in the past and the future which should not be confused with the transmitted information. The more temporal density there is, the farther one goes in the past and future.


The alignment of the Quantas in the harmonic frequencies. The variation of P-Time affects the cyclic character of events when they return to their initial point. The Present does not depend either on the direction or on the Density of time but it is the link between them. It is a common number of units of time between different time densities during a transformation in a balanced state. One passes from one density to another thanks to the present.

The keyword here is : permanence (no transformation).

The present such as we usually conceive it does not exist! It is an illusion and a convention of language. It will always be only a past or an immediate future up to the time of Planck (10-43 second) because it is only a problem of scale. This big truth is to be meditated upon for a longtime. For a very long time.

To summarize, 3-D time is a hologram in which our consciousness evolves by successive jumps in three simultaneous directions. Far from being unfounded and speculative, 3-D time is scientifically verifiable. Besides, it is what we do every day thanks to computer technology ! But in my experience the intellectual side only came after…

Here are the sketches that I hurriedly drew  at 4.30 that morning:


(Recognise this shape? It’s the same one that came to mind for me when Mercredan spoke of the point of creation. Everything funnelled down to a single point/spark/creation that spreads out to 3D manifest – very much like what was simply shown in the shape of the Egyptian pyramids from the point of creation (top) spreading out to manifest in 3D.)

The hourglass suggests perfectly the density of time. Every graduation represents a temporal density. To simplify, we could say that a density superior to the conventional “second”  would be a fraction of this second during which as many things (actions) would occur.

Let us remain on the question of the density of time, the essential key of our fate whether scientific or spiritual. Moreover, would it not be the ring of their marriage, the Ark of the Covenant ?



Future fate or destiny is partially “visible” for those who can experience precognition. One will retort that it is necessary to wait for the event to take place to declare that there was premonition. We may note in passing that the only work of scientists is indeed to describe what is going to take place with the aid of equations ! They can only be sure when it has effectively taken place but they know beforehand what will happen, with a small percentage of uncertainty. The same as with clairvoyants ! It is this “tiny” distance between premonition and fact that leaves room for the ..quantum will. The difficulty comes from the fact that this percentage of uncertainty increases AS THE DEGREE OF LIBERTY of the thing studied.

What decides if it takes place or not? Freedom ! The higher the degree of freedom a creature has, even more so with time, the less it is restricted. It is likely that it did not escape you that the predictability of mineral phenomena was superior to that of plants, exceeding greatly that of human beings. I’ll leave you to meditate on what follows on from that outburst.

(This reminds me of the work of Nostradamus with updates channelled through Dolores Cannon in the 1980’s. He premonitions showed parallel universes where we can make choices on which path we take. There are choices that show up as larger ripples in the wave of the time plain which Nostradamus said will have a bigger affect on humanity. These were the ones he wanted to draw our attention to. In that 1980’s channelling series he said there were some harmful events we had already managed to avoid so what we think is the “correct” history looks as though he got the premonition wrong when in fact we just took a different path. The same thing happens when an accurate psychic appears to get the wrong information. You changed your destiny – that is the free will we have here. Because we are now moving into higher dimensional living psychics can no longer see the future. We have even more freedom on our pathway options than in the last epoch prior to December 2012.)

Allow me a convenient digression here. Scientific method is founded on the reproducibility of a phenomenon, at first by the experiment, then by the modelling of the causes generated. So equations are born with which we describe the universe. But always, the experiment precedes the model (except in pure mathematics). When an equation is officially proposed it has been closely observed and examined so as not to be contradicted. The equation does not describe reality, it describes what is acceptable. 

Einstein followed Newton without removing anything from him but situating him in a relative context. It is what is proposed here. The density of time allows all the equations to be considered relatively.

But what happens with the increasing degrees of freedom ? Should we remain with the “reproducibility” of scientific fact, that principle which issued from the philosophy of the ‘Enlightenment’ of the 18th century ? Are not we in the 21st century ? Have we not understood that increasing degrees of freedom and reproducibility are incompatible ?

The factor ” t ” (for time) is often represented in anorthonormed (?)  line by one of the axes of an equation. The speed, then the acceleration are described with the same unit of time -the second. Now, he who measures decides on the unit of time because he is the observer. In this way, we vary the distance (and the speed of transformation of it) and not the time to quantify them.

But a new paradigm has appeared in order to study mechanics and its relativist effects. To make a quantum jump (without the pun), it is necessary to introduce the notion of density of time and to transform this sacred linearity into intermittent values whenever we plunge into matter to try and understand the nature of it. The results in energy calculations will be heavily affected.

The corpuscular/wave duality of matter is at the heart of this new paradigm. 

The Illusion of Acceleration in UFOs

When an UFO flies away, it appears to us as terrific acceleration. But it is just an appearance! Whatever the physical make-up of the occupants of these machines, they could not undergo such lightning acceleration without injury. It is not therefore “variable spaces” that must be studied, but “variable time” .

For example: if the acceleration of an object appears to us to be 100m / s2, (330ft/s2) it is really, for the occupants, 10m/s2 (33ft/s2) because their seconds change density. In other words, the first of their seconds will be the same as ours, then the next one will dilate to become one of our minutes, and so on, so that in fact, it accelerates very little. But the illusion which we have is a fantastic acceleration until their disappearance into another density of time, thus making them invisible for us AS WE ARE FOR PLANTS WHEN WE PASS IN FRONT OF THEM WITHOUT STOPPING.

Note : the information according to which energy becomes a vector in a three-dimensional time comes from Roland Lehouc, astrophysicist in the astrophysics dept. of the CEA (ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY).



These two curves represent the absolute and relative expansion of time, in other words the creation and the creature (who perceives the creation).

The three dimensions of space (length, height, depth) and the three dimensions of time (direction, density, present) form the dual perfection of creation. The relation between one and the other represents evolution . Beings migrate therefore through space-times in a brilliant genius of fractal geometry.



Nobody will have ignored that the symbol of the pyramid, common to several distant civilisations of the past, in a three-dimensional approach, for space as well as time, is a singular coincidence. Also, would not the two inverted triangles represent a “powerful” six-sided star hiding perhaps an esoterical meaning that was understood a long time ago ?

(We often that those two inverted triangles to represent our body’s Merkabar as well.)

Our UFOs don’t seem to have appeared just yesterday, especially if they were around at the origin of these symbols. Is not the Apocalypse (also) Disclosure?


(I don’t quite get this bit. That would assume we would interact with evolved aliens that animals wouldn’t detect but in his first report at the top of the article it was the dogs barking, not the neighbours.)

UFOs pass from one temporal density to another. One of the fundamental points of the experience was this vision of the four states of matter which dematerialises as the frequencies increase. A crystalline sound is emitted to allow the passage towards the invisible state.



The dynamic behaviour of a UFO which crosses space-time can go from invisibility to materialisation. But it is not always the case. Furthermore, our technologies, radar notably, interfere and sometimes provoke furtive appearances.



Two major reasons would explain the multiplication of UFOs sightings in the last fifty years.

  1. The use of nuclear weapons – a real temporal seism for other beings, so attracting them towards us.
  2. The use of sophisticated technologies by human beings that employ emissions of high frequencies at high energy. Contrary to all expectations, this contributes to the general rise of the vibratory frequency of the planet. The real problem is the chaotic character of these emissions. We are therefore in a stage of transition.



At this stage, I should say that I am pressing on rather boldly with my reflections. What follows is an attempt to formalise these concepts. Naturally, whole areas of research are open to all and open scientific minds will find substance in this new discipline to interpret into their language : Chronotics . (Term inspired by Thierry Archer).

Time is an enigma! To us it seems linear. The past precedes the present which precedes the future. How then can people perceive the future ? 

Is this not a “nasty” problem for science to attempt to explain this phenomenon ? But it’s not examples that are lacking. Really, every day on Earth, human beings perceive the future in premonitory dreams or various “flashes”. The question is far more complex and eminent than any regulation of a nuclear power station or genetic manipulation. I repeat the question to those that might not have heard it : How can the future precede the present ?

We all know of Plato’s cave*: (*In this legend, people living inside a cave think that their shadows are real, when in fact they are produced by the light from the outside of their ‘world’ coming through a small hole.)

And if time was only the shadow of what it seems to be, what is time such as we usually understand it ?

There are two types of time: measurable time and psychological time.

Measurable time is objective.  It is a universal agreement!

It is an interval between two”phenomena”: before/after. In science, we use the second. It has its multiples and its subdivisions. This time exists ! It is very useful to organize lots of things and for equations.

Psychological time is subjective.

Sometimes, a certain experience will seem to us to have lasted one minute in certain circumstances, and in others, ten minutes, etc. Now, by agreement, measured time will determine the average time and will fix in our consciousness the acceptable proportions. 80 % of our life is calibrated to psychological time. Curiously, we are capable of waking up at 6 o’clock exactly, if we make the effort to will it to happen. This  “coincidence” is called by the term of “internal clock”. Nobody has ever seen it but it is accepted, thereby adding a little more weight to our arguments.

Psychological time is said to be subjective because it seems imaginary ! But has anyone ever wondered how such a widespread thing – the imagination, does not exist in itself ?

I would add that certain cycles and chronobiology are at the intersection of both times and give substance to what follows.

(The following blue text is very scientific. Feel free to scroll on to read the rest from the original author.)

Here is what Roland Lehouc1] ( Astrophysicistin the dept. of astrophysics of the CEA (ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY)) says: “We perceive time as one-dimensional, because our thoughts seem to succeed one after the other in a well defined order. This argument is subjective. Time could seem one-dimensional without it being so really, a little as we lose our sight of relief by closing an eye: we are then surrounded with flat objects and, only habit enables us to appreciate distances “

Farther on: “With three dimensions of time and one dimension of space, only tachyons, particles which go faster than the light, would exist “

Then: “Numerous aspects of physics would be rather different with time which is not one-dimensional. For example, energy would no longer be just a number, but a vector indicating the temporal direction of movement, in the same way as the amount of movement of a mobile is a vector indicating in which spatial direction it is moving.

As the amount of movement is conserved when the mobile is subjected to no force, the temporal direction taken would also be a constant of movement. In other words, if two observers who are moving according to different temporal directions meet, they will inevitably separate to follow the irrespective temporal trajectory, incapable of staying together. From the point of view of an observer, the other one would appear and then disappear immediately ” (NDA: as UFOs do)

Then again: “Another important consequence of temporal multidimensionality: certain particles would no longer be stable. In a world such as ours, a particle can split only if the sum of the masses at rest (the mass when the particle is immobile) of the particles produced is lower than the mass at rest of the initial particle. This condition, which gives stability to the proton andelectron, disappears in a world of more than one temporal dimension. For example, a proton could disintegrate into a neutron, a positron and a neutrino; an electron could be transformed into a neutron, an antiproton and a neutrino. The matter that we know would no longer be stable.”

Just as there is equivalence between mass and energy, there is an equivalence between space and time. It expresses itself in a simple way. The principle of simplicity of Occkam’s razor says that it is the simplest explanation that is best. But when it is a question of linking the theory of relativity and quantum theory, we see a mountain of complexity before us.

I think, and this is fundamental, that the more space there is, less there is of time, and inversely , less there is of space more there is of time. It is precisely the key that elegantly weds the infinitely big and infinitely small. The difficulty is to understand the nature of time to be convinced of it.

Jean Heidmann, astrophysicist at the origin of the SETI project, declared that the Big Bang was not an explosion of matter but an expansion of space. This difference often cast confusion in many minds. In the light of 3-D time, and in particular, one of its dimensions, the density of time, the expansion of the universe is just an appearance. As a reminder, the expansion of the universe would be due to a considerable differential between the thermodynamic forces tending to repel matter and the nuclear forces which, on the contrary, attract it.

The dilemma comes from the fact that 90 % of the mass of the universe remains hidden. This observation comes from the difference calculated between the thermodynamic forces and the forces of atomic cohesion. So the entropic movement would be just an illusion. Yet another.

In fact, there is no choice but to admit that all space-times coexist. The Big Bang is a dogma in the sense that it is perfectly arbitrary to think that the original soup accumulated into huge masses, and galaxies, stars and into planets. If, as is it suggested in this case, matter would be on the surface of the membrane of a cosmic balloon why would it not be evenly spread out?

We are told that gravity is the reason!

Now, we do not know the real nature of gravity except that it is a curvature of space-time. Hence, the idea that gravity is related to the density of time and in no way explains the formation of celestial bodies.

The further we look into space ( weaker time density) the more we see the outerlayers of the universe. But also the further we look, the further we see into the past (going back in the direction of time). And in this case we see the internal layers of the universe. Therefore, the combination between external layers and internal layers reveals entropy to be an illusion.



When we look at a star (because of its matter), we perceive an “internal” layer of the universe which is translated by a curvature of space-time, or in other words, according to my vision, a “superior”(higher) space-time compared to the space-time which surrounds it. In this way, the star is not in the same position as its spatial environment. Black holes are in a much higher density of time and it is impossible for us to see them in our space-time since we guess them by calculations.



If it is relatively easy to conceive, at an astronomical scale, that by contraction of space-time we have a difference of position between a star and its environment, it is less obvious that it’s the same case with the infinitely small because specific laws happen there, said to be counter-intuitive. Yet there is a sign that should guide us. The space between the nucleus and the electrons is, proportionally to their sizes, an abyss ofspace (emptiness).

In reality, the universe is fractal, i.e. there are scale”jumps”  within which particular (related) laws of functioning govern each particular space-time. It is the case with quarks, atoms, molecules, cells, organs, bodies, groups of bodies and groups of groups which are in themselves as many space-times. We live in the middle of a skilfully baked (wafered) cream slice. Far from me the idea to evoke here the Great Confectioner. You are the only judge to appreciate the end purpose of it. My purpose is to point out the common feature of these scales, or these layers : the wave-like character of these demonstrations.. i.e. these vibrations, because everything is vibration.

Phew! That’s enough for my brain. If you’d like to read more from this author in the original article, click here.

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