Lovely 20 minute session yesterday with Mercredan. The transcript is below. Topics covered were: Awakening, new Human species, the Known, Unknown and Unknowable; changing your frequency, new responsibilities in a new World, the Voice of the Silence (some great quotes there), accepting yourself and obedience to your intuition leading to advancement.

Have a read through and if you have any questions come over to the Facebook page and ask me there.


Interview between Mercredan channelled by Francis Evans and Annabelle Drumm

26 January 2015

Prior to the session Francis was excited to be recently connected into the fibre optic and 4G network with vastly improved connection. (Annabelle is still on ordinary broadband and 3G.) Both feeling fresh and enthusiastic.


M: Good morning. Once again it is my privilege and pleasure to come and spend these few moments of your time. Often at the beginning of our time together my Dear Friend (Francis the Channeller) wants to push our discussion in a particular way. And of course, sometimes that is relevant and at other times it is a little beyond where we are up to. So let us simply begin with a question that is pertinent in the present circumstances of evolution. Something that is sitting on top of your mind.


A: Um. I can feel that people around me are raising, even if they are not interested in spirituality or they do not understand what’s going on…

M: Awakening

A: Awakening, yes.

M: They are awakening. There is a misconception around what is so called “spiritual” and what is Consciousness. You understand? And the reality is, what is awareness if it is not the transformation of the Known? Or rather the Unknown into Known? The perfect purpose of Human life is to gather together awareness of situations. That is, to take in life’s experiences, to transform them into learning and to apply the learning to further experience. You understand?

A: Yes

M: And everybody is involved in that. Everybody is interested in that. Everybody wants to gain more of the experiences they prefer and less of those that are fraught with danger, fraught with harm and fraught of pain. So, the purpose of life is to gain insight and the Divine Being, shall we call it that, that stimulates such exploration grows in itself by result. So even if somebody experiences an event that has significant difficulties, often they grow greater than if it is passed over with ease. So many of the good experiences in your life you have forgotten.

A: Yes

M: But most of those that have transformed you by significant difficulty stay with you for life. Stay with you and are the motivators of your personality.

A: Yes. I see a bad habit within those around me that take these bad experiences and use them as baggage. They talk about the bad part of it when they could actually look at it from this new perspective you are saying as to how it has made them grow and change. Each time I point this out they seem to be enlightened. It’s like “Oh yeah! I can see it that way now.” Is this something I could do more of in…

M: Of course! Because that is the transformation of awareness. Turning insight into insight. The awareness of one thing. and it is through that One connects with the inner being. What you would call One’s connection to the spiritual nature of life. So it is when One transforms the Unknown into the Known. And, that is the purpose for why people write their books, what they have experienced, to share with others so it can become part of the greater good, the greater knowledge.

Known, Unknown and the Unknowable

M: Because let us say there are three levels of consciousness. The Known – what is already in the public arena as such. The Unknown – that is that which is being explored. and The Unknowable – that which is beyond Human persuasion. Beyond the ability of Humankind in physical incarnation.

A: Is that because we are just kindergarten children on the scale of things? Just beginners at approaching the Unknowable?

M: Of course and also in the timing. Because when something is ready to be known it moves from the Unknowable to the Unknown.

A: Yes yes

M: Then, you can explore it to your satisfaction. Not just from one perspective, of course, but from a multitude of perspectives.

A: There seems to be a lot that is moving in to the Unknown at the moment.

M: Of course, because Humankind has passed through the Shift in Consciousness that allows that transference to occur. Human beings then, are no longer the old species but are a new concept. A new species of Humans and those that have allowed Consciousness to re-wire the neurology.

New Human Species

A: So when we hear about new babies born after 2012 that are of the new species already, does that mean that they will continue to be different to us or that we will raise up to their level?

M: Let us say, they will remain at a higher frequency.


M: “Frequency” of course, is a word that carries with it ideas and at the same time it is a useful to perceive it in that way. So I simply am warning One not to attach the physical nature of frequency to that term. Let us say, to put it in a physical reference, my dear friend has, as you understand, connected to a different frequency of connection to yourselves and to the world. The different frequency, of course, is an entirely different system.

A: Indeed

M: And of course the frequency has elevated. Not just the frequency, because you cannot send the frequency that IT requires through the cables that YOU are using. It has to be an entirely different system.

A: Mm. He seems very excited by his new frequency.

M: Because every thing is more connected and more stable and more ascertainable. You understand then, because it is once again a metaphorical advance.

A: Indeed

M: So your rewiring as I have called it, your neurology update as it were, is as much the difference between meta-cables and the new system. Completely different because it has to carry a different frequency and if you try to put one against the other it will not be able to carry that.

A: You’re limited by the slowest part of the connection, aren’t you.

M: Of course

A: Mm

M: And as the Human race continues its Shift, more and more of your world will take on the new system. The speed and the range that is possible will alter your own life, your lifestyle and your abilities. Much of what was not able before becomes available to everybody. So you are breaking down the control systems that were in place and so it takes the battle for awareness to a higher grade, a greater speed and of course with it the increase challenges.

A: Yes. Which I guess we are more readily able to cope with?

M: Let us say Humanity stands always at the crossroads between – is it ready to release leadership to the masses or do you still require Kings and Queens? Whether they are elected as such, whether they are motivated by power and moneys and so on; or whether they are by birthright.

A: Yes

M: Kings and Queens are the challenge and Humanity, has the general people, as the other challenge. Are you yet ready for responsibilities?

New Responsibilities in a New World

A: Mm. It brings to mind when you originally talked to me about children coming out of kindergarten. Are they ready to cross the street alone? So I guess some of those challenges will not be taken well by some of the general people.

M: Of course that is always the problem and of course the Kings and Queens point it out as reasons for them to keep their privilege. But in the end, Humanity must evolve. Must take that step away from it’s organisations. From it’s need for government. Need for organised churches and religions. One then has to begin to listen to the Voice of the Silence.

The Voice of the Silence

A: Yes, I wonder how much I myself am able to hear that voice. Sometimes it comes through clear and sometimes it sounds like its down the corridor and too vague for me to hear.

M: One is so hard. (smiling) You understand? So harsh on Oneself.

A: (laughs)

M: And of course harshness breeds difficulty.


Accepting yourself

M: Shall we say, like putting a switch down that shuts you off rather than acceptance. First of all, accept yourself. Accept your follies. Accept your foibles. Acceptance then allows you to make mistakes.

A: Yes

M: And in doing so you take away the block so you can see the mistake before it happens

A: Right

M: Because then awareness has been learned. You are not then, using the rules. Using the rules to decide rather than listening to the Voice. Because every message from the Voice is indeed a test of One’s obedience.

A: Yes. And that I must not be too harsh on too. I can see it sometimes that I just failed the test. (laughs)

M: You understand what I mean, because the obedience takes away the test. Because as soon as you have “cottoned on” to the lesson it becomes part of One’s natural qualities.

A: Yes

M So, as soon as you turn up the volume, the silence increases. Paradox is always in place.

A: Indeed

M: The greater the silence, the stronger the message. 

A: Mm. I completely understand.

M: You understand? As soon as you turn off the critical voice, then you can hear the silence itself. Do not expect to have the message in its whole because that is not how it occurs. The obedience is stepwise. This step and that step leads to this step and that step, and eventually you realise what a beautiful track it has lead you down.

A: Like a dance

M: That is perfect! Because as you well know it is not the steps that make the dance

A: No

M: It is the overall form.

A: It is. Mm beautiful

M: And it is not until you have begun to repeat, that is, not until you have completed your first array as it were, that you understand how the dance works.

A: Mm mm. Beautiful! Beautiful.

M: Isn’t it beautiful that we can use everything in your life to illustrate the lessons of the deeper Self?

A: It is. It is beautiful. It makes these sessions such a joy.

M: That is enough for you to ponder.

A: It is. Thank you very much Mercredan.

M: Then, thank you for your time and we look forward to our next discussion.

A: Yes, so am I.

M: Then Good Morning.

A: Good Morning.



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