World shift of consciousness New Age of AquariusThe impression I get is that throughout Human history there have been at least a handful of fully enlightened souls on the planet at any one time. We don’t hear about the vast majority of them because they have no ego which demands fame, sometimes they don’t even need to be heard, they simply need to be here to keep the balance and prevent Humanity from completely turning to custard.

A few along the way have become famous, Krishna, Jesus and Buddha for example; but this was never their goal. They simply taught and influenced in their lifetime and their word continued to be taught, albeit bent along the way by enthusiastic interpreters, so that we still recognise their names.

If there are always a few throughout all those thousands of years, you can imagine how many are not famous.

This one is a new one for me. There doesn’t seem to be any talk about him being fully enlightened but certainly well ahead of humanity at the time. Peter Deunov, otherwise known by the spiritual name Beinsa Douno 1864-1944, was from Bulgaria. He grew up and was educated firstly in Bulgaria, took theology lessons in the USA and returned to Bulgaria to live, frequently touring to give lectures.

Here is some of his music you can listen to as you read.

Peter Deunov had an acute understanding of the original books from the bible but also lectured in geometry, music, astrology and philosophy. There are several thousand lectures that have been recorded by short hand and in letters you can find on the web.

He also wrote music like what you can hear in the video above and taught a relaxing exercise style a bit like Tai Chai designed for rebalancing the body. Here’s one of the old videos of him teaching. Can’t embed that one in the blog, unfortunately.

This website seems to be the most accurate recording of his lectures. It says many of the recorded notes were skewed along the way in their translations.

There’s a bit more history here of his life from the spiritual school The White Brotherhood that based its teaching on his and continues on today. You may have to click the English flag to read it. I am assuming “white” relates to purity rather than skin colour. These are not prejudiced people.

There’s also a “final lecture” wide spread around the internet talking about the big changes and Shift in Consciousness we are currently going through that he supposedly offered as prophecy just before he died in 1944 but the website above claims it may have been from someone else influenced by the ideas of Deunov. Either way, it feels pretty accurate to me.

Here’s the link.  You’ll have to excuse the bollocks advertisements around the edges and I’m not keen on the videos either. The text is worth a read though.

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