changing direction, new life pathBased on the last Mercredan session (click here to read the lesson) I figured it was about time I started to play and experiment with this character called Annabelle and see what we could come up with. If we are to bend life into a new pathway without anything dragging behind then we have to either pull up the anchor of the boat or cut the anchor off at the top of the rope.

This also reminded me of the blog Francis and I were in the process of setting up some years back called Pivot Point. It was based on another analogy Mercredan had given on being able to pivot on a single point to change direction. That always reminded me of a ballet dancer up en pointe like my photo here. I know what it feels like to balance my whole body weight on that satin covered leather pointe about 5cm x 2.5cm (2″ x 1″) and how fast you can spin up there. It is far more free than spinning on tip toe.

career coaching on change directionEven smaller, I know what it feels like to balance and spin my body weight on a 1cm square (less than 1/2″ square) of an ice figure skate curved blade – then you are really free!  Wow, so fast you can get giddy.

However, if you’re sitting on the floor with your legs out in front of you, trying to change direction it is a lot more effort and slower progress. Psychologically, when we want to move to a new life or career direction, if we have baggage, fears or old ideas/beliefs about ourselves and the world, then it’s like having your legs out in front of you. It slows your progress and can actually prevent you from pointing in the direction you want to go indefinitely.

So how do we go about losing the drag?

Make an inventory of Qualities

The first thing I did was the advice from the lesson. Make an inventory of Qualities which describe this character.

(By the way, if you are new to this blog you will find I often talk about us being a character for a couple of reasons. First, like Shakespeare said “All the world’s a stage and the men and women players upon it” or something along those lines. When you recognise the many lifetimes you’ve played out on the world stage over history you’ll see us more like actors who, when the scene is finished, slip back into the wings, take off the costume and look for the next role we can play before jumping onto the stage again. The second reason is Mercredan’s description of how each of us has an “Author” who writes out all the possibilities this character can choose between. When you see yourself from the Author’s point of view you realise how much more power and freedom you have in creating the life you want to design. Read more about the Author analogy here.)

I took this word Qualities to mean my features. Physical attributes, personality characteristics, how I solve problems, deal with people, face conflict, react in certain situations, what turns me on and brings me joy. Sometimes they were things I noticed, sometimes they were feedback other people had given me. It’s also kind of comforting to know there are abilities I haven’t yet identified too. Nice surprises in store there.

Which Qualities to Keep or Ditch?

There will be beliefs about yourself and the world you have collected along the way. Some you let go of and some you continue to carry.  To put it in pure theory, no beliefs are true at all until someone believes in them, gives them energy and then they express themselves in our reality. Here is where you can delve into as much or as little of your beliefs as you like and decide which serve your new direction and which do not. Cutting off as many beliefs as possible can be daunting and leave you feeling a bit like a refugee but certainly does the trick of removing anything which drags when you want to change direction. State the belief and then prove it wrong.

Here’s a few examples:

  • I am the only person my kids can rely upon. This is just not true. If I ended up in hospital or dead, they would be cared for. Friends and neighbours would step in. Family would make room and even my ex-husband would have to do a lot more than what he is currently contributing. I am simply letting him get away with doing nothing. Besides, my kids are growing up and within a few years could be independent, relying upon themselves and their own networks. I know how time flies. This may happen sooner than I think.
  • Nobody wants me to work in their company. Another myth. Being self employed and running my own businesses does not mean I am a threat, am under or over qualified for working in another organisation. This character has a special skill set and the more I recognise it within myself, the more the world will reflect back recognition and demand for those skills. I already have set out the intention to find a project larger than myself to work within. It is already created. I now keep an open mind and accept it when it appears.
  • I am getting old. It’s already been proven that the mind is a powerful thing. If the cells in our body replace themselves so frequently (maximum 7 years) and I can adjust my hormones and vibration, then what’s to stop me being in prime condition? The baggage I’ve managed to lose so far has certainly made me look and feel younger. What if I explored that further? This might be a fun change of direction to start with. Other people’s judgement of me means nothing. A transvestite can change their clothes, a transexual can change their genitals, so I can change to “be” whatever age I choose.

Place the character in a scene

Now you’ve proven your beliefs to be a fallacy, here’s the fun bit. If you were the Author and had a character with these qualities, free from baggage and beliefs, what sort of scene or storyline would you put them in to make a truly amazing story? Stretch your imagination for this. Forget everything you were told you SHOULD be doing. Forget all the jobs people advised would bring you more status, more money, more power, more fame, the right partner and supposed “happiness”. Who are they to know what will make this character happy? Forget all the rational logic about “well, you’re good at this so you should be doing it for a job.” Stuff that! We are now following the heart.

You can make a long list of ideas here. They might not just be careers. They might be activities, projects, challenges or taking a role in a larger scene where the character would be an ideal contributor. Think of Lord of the Rings and their travelling party containing all shapes and sizes of characters. Different personalities – sometimes aligned, sometimes clashing – different gifts and skills with each one taking their turn to offer them for the benefit of the group.

Where could you see this character that would make a fantastic scene in the life story? Give up being rational about how the character gets there. The fun of this exercise is suddenly seeing the way forward out of an unrelated word or act of kindness you did ‘on instinct’ which lead you to exactly what you pictured. Law of Attraction in action.

Add extra qualities

Now you know where you’re heading, what extra things would make this character fit right in to the scene? We’re looking for a way of “being” which will more readily attract the scene to the character rather than “bigger boobs” or “4 inches taller”.

For example, if I took the Old Age belief from the exercise above and decided now I was going to be 24 years old – fabulously irrational – what would I keep, ditch or add?

Let me think of who I was at that age.

I was a whole lot more vivacious at that stage. I was running a dance company, teaching up and down the country at modelling and acting agencies, producing events and shows, doing television work. In terms of beliefs, I had more baggage and insecurities about my appearance or capabilities which dragged on my career – many of those are already ditched. I was a lot more energetic, following the heart in projects that grabbed my attention. Jobs were never too big nor too small though I despised people who underpaid and under valued performers – accepting those jobs would be ditched as well. Racy lovers were easy to come by. New ideas sprouted from my mind every day. I partied more. I flirted more. I wore what I liked.

I was a lot more sensitive to criticism – I think I’m a lot more compassionate towards the critic these days. I had a sharp tongue when I felt I was backed into a corner – again, compassion makes me less nasty now I see the attacker is usually even more insecure than me. I used to be an overachiever so very hard on myself whereas these days I am happy to do nothing every now and then = better work life balance.

I would keep the wisdom and experience I have now.  Extra qualities may not be needed in this case as I’ve been there already. I will just be doing it /being it with a “new me” attitude.  Sounds like fun!

So let’s see how I go. Already I feel more confident and “up” (crap, have I really been such an old lady for a while before this?)

I’ll post more with my findings. Meanwhile, let me find somewhere to go out tonight!  🙂


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