new years resolutions 2015What if you started this coming year with a different New Year’s Resolution? One that’s fitting with the New Epoch, appropriate to the World Shift 2015?

In the past you may have found the old style New Year’s Resolutions sort of useful. December 31st you stand tall either on your own or in front of friends and family saying proudly “This year I’m striving to …” and at least keep that intention until February, maybe March.

By the time you get to June chances are high you’ve already forgotten what you stood for. With unexpected happenings and a crammed schedule full of busy moments, you push, struggle and fight your way to December, then collapse with relief that you made it to the end with your lips still above the water line.

…hardly something worth boasting about considering the honourable intentions you started with but, compared with everyone else, it’s enough.

What if you started this year with a different New Year’s Resolution? One that’s fitting with the New Epoch. Appropriate to the World Shift 2015?

We’ve spent so many years striving to become someone, to attain something, to possess someone or more stuff, to experience something we’ve not experienced before. Yet the priorities have changed in this New Epoch. If you’ve already changed to the new priorities, great stuff but, if you’ve not changed yet, you’re going to start struggling more and more to keep up in the next few years. Time for a change!

Here are the priorities of the New Epoch.


1) Follow your heart

From the time we were very small we were encouraged and rewarded to use our brains, think logically, be sensible, follow what other people advise is the best thing to do.
If you’re good at something then you should pursue it for your career.
If you get promoted beyond doing what is fun, you’re doing well so shut up and be grateful you are now a success.
This is no longer the priority.

In order to follow your heart you’re going to need to know how to hear it. When you’ve spent a long time fine tuning your brain and relying on it for the answers – be they wise or not – it’s going to take you some practice. I know because I had to learn to hear it again too.

There’s always that one special moment when someone asks you the pertinent question that changes everything. One of those moments for me was when I was explaining to someone how my coaching works. They listened intently and then said “So, basically you’re saying you help people to dream again and then make those dreams come true?” I said “It’s a rather poetic way of putting it but yeah, I guess so.”

And they said “So when do you get to dream? What’s your dream?”

This completely stumped me. Me? Dream? Oh no! My job is to GIVE. To HELP. I don’t have any dreams other than that.

Then I realised how silly this was. How can I truly help others if I don’t practice what I preach?

So, from there forward, my time was split between learning to hear my heart again, urging it to remember how to dream, then pursuing those dreams; and helping others to do the same, which became much easier once I had the practical experience of doing it myself.

If you choose to follow your heart with integrity you will find it makes your decisions markedly different from what you might have done before.

Following your heart may lead you to a very different neighbourhood, a different partner, a different career, a different way of dressing, a different way of behaving. To live without the need to please others or get their approval takes courage. Yet, once you get started you’ll find relief, a full night’s sleep, deep contentment and ENERGY like you’ve never had before. Forget the idea that vitamins, diet, exercise, rest or a holiday are the only answers. When you’re following your heart you will feel VITALITY and damn sexy as well.

2) Live in the present moment

Heard it all before I know but, experimenting with this over the past year has amazed me how different it is to live in the present moment. I realised I was spending 99.9999% of the time stewing on the past or planning/day dreaming the future and I wasn’t actually here.

I now have a little mantra I use to remind me of where I am.

“No past, no memories” – pretend you’ve just arrived on Earth and this is your first moment. There is no baggage, no back story, no strings attached

“No future, no judgement” – forget about focussing on how good life will be when you get/ have/ become something different. Forget all goals, all ambition. You’ve set out so many desires already, there’s more than enough coming your way if only you’ll let it in.

LAW OF ATTRACTION TIP: When you continue to remind yourself that life will be better when something changes, you are confirming that it’s not here yet and so the Universe continues your 3D reality that “it’s not here yet” forever until you stop thinking that way.

Just be here now. No judgement.  No memories. Say “here I am”, then take a look around without opinion.

This is where I stand/sit/lie/fly.

This is what my 5 senses are telling me.

This is what I feel inside.

Just observe and when you do that your brain slows. Your mind opens to intuition and THAT is when the magic starts to happen.

Then you’ll make only the wisest decisions, awesome ideas and solutions can come in and you can follow your heart.

3) No secrets no lies

Integrity is high priority from here on. We used to get away with little lies, bending the truth, forget to tell someone a detail that would alter their opinion or behaviour, quietly doing things to get advantage over others. That just won’t cut the mustard in the new Epoch.

Why? Because Humanity as a species is becoming more psychic. We’ve all had access to those skills all along and we had the choice to fine tune those skills if we were interested in doing so. Now, ALL of us are fine tuning unconsciously.

What does that mean? It means when you have a conversation with someone you can read between the lines and see the truth. You can look at the Broadcast News and know when what they are saying to you is incomplete or just doesn’t “feel” right.

As you evolve you’ll be able to look back into someone’s life and see not only their words and actions, you’ll be able to tune into their thoughts. That means NOTHING is secret anymore including your own words, actions and thoughts.

So, keep it clean. Find your integrity. It’s just too exhausting to lie and keep secrets. If you know you’ve done something harmful to someone else, see if you can make amends. If they’re not in your life anymore, who else around you can you help to make you feel better? It’s a bit like balancing the books. Do what you need to do so you can forgive yourself. If they choose not to forgive, that’s their own baggage to sort out on their own. At the time it happened the circumstances attracted you together to match the thoughts and beliefs each of you had.

Face the consequences. Make amends. Forgive yourself. Start afresh with no secrets no lies in 2015.

4) Choose the path of least resistance

You may have seen other people achieve what you want and tried to follow their path to get there, yet are finding it tough work. You struggle and struggle cheering yourself on like the hard work is a virtuous thing to do.

Let me tell you, if you’re flogging a dead horse, it’s time to step away and look for alternatives. Life is not meant to suck. Life is not a bitch, it’s a gift.

Once you realise that life can be fun, not just bits of it but ALL of it, you can let go of the struggle. TRUST that if it’s in the larger plan of things it’s automatically on its way. If it’s not on its way, something EVEN BETTER is on its way.

Your change of mindset will draw things to you easier than you’ve ever experienced before. That’s the path of least resistance.

Let go! Give up! That in itself will probably make you sleep for several days during this Christmas/New Year holiday which will heal your body, tune you in to your heart and open your intuition so the better, easier paths of achieving what you want flow in.

5) Choose what brings you the most joy

The duties we set ourselves in life and career can be exhausting. Giving until your fingers bleed is not a virtue. The principal I recently laid out for you in this blog article on The Secret to Easy Relationships applies to all areas of life.

Carry your duties lightly. If they feel heavy, open your mind to the idea of allowing others to help you. If it’s all up to you, find a lighter mindset – perhaps looking at the privilege of being given this duty or the finite length of it.

We’ve been told that many of us around the world have some very dramatic decisions to make over the next 2-3 years. It may change where you live, who you live with, keeping integrity with what you believe and what rules need to change.

Old rules were set either because the authorities believed we were too irresponsible to be given freedom or because they wanted to control us. We allowed that at the time.

In this New Epoch, Humanity is recognising how to be responsible, how to be accountable and no longer require limitations. Give people a chance. See their potential to be trustworthy, helpful and wise no matter what they wear.

Sure there will be a few evolving at a slower pace that will have to be guarded – you’ll see them clearly with your new psychic skills – but the rest of us don’t need the expense of our freedoms limited to match.

Find your joy. Follow your bliss. It won’t be in revenge for revenge only brings short term satisfaction.

Once you’ve experienced pure joy and pure love, you’ll never go back to the old way of living.

Time is of the Essence

It’s been spelled out to us through many different mediums. The next 2-3 years will bring immense upheaval to the areas of life which have been out of balance for so long. This will include finance, politics, insurance, pharmaceuticals and the weather as the Earth demands we treat her with respect.

Make it your New Year’s Resolution for 2015 to follow these 5 priorities starting today and you will be heading in the right direction. The longer you leave it to start, the more desperate your life will become and the harder it will be to keep up with the rest.

A long post I know but it feels right to me to stand up and say it on this turning point of our calendar year. I’m following them. Join me!

Happy New Year to you and your family. 🙂

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