World shift in collective consciousnessMercredan session
Channelled by Francis Evans, interviewed by Annabelle Drumm
9 March 2015

Topics: Science and Spirituality #2, asking the obvious question (continuation), channeller as a technician, the singular point of creation, thunder clap of creation, eureka moment, local consciousness, global consciousness, shared insight, bubble of the known, regression hypno-therapy, permission to answer the question,  inner conversation, writer author of your life, 



M: Good morning, once again it is my privilege and pleasure to come and spend these few moments of your time. Everything is so paradoxical because what I am about to talk about is in contradiction with what I am going to say.

A: (laughs)

Quality of the question (for coaches, therapists, channellers)

M: You understand. So always when you are on the very edge of the mental arena One cannot quite perceive and enter in to the endless potential. So let us begin.

Already we have spoken about the quality of the question. The assimilation that enters into Consciousness and delivers a response. And so often within the realms of Humanity as, shall we say, Human beings ascend in Consciousness. Ascend, shall we say, through the ranks even though levels and ranking and hierarchy are less sure than depth.

However, so many people think that the purpose of tapping in is to deliver to another what they should be informed of. So, then there is the different problem that One will always be attracted to what is vibrating and resonating with the Self. So One can only deliver what is pertinent with the Deliverer not the person to whom you are addressing the quality information. One then is attuning Self to the other and causing a link between two specific levels unless that one that is the Deliverer of, what you call reading, is empty. You understand?

A: Mm yes

M: And if they are empty they are not reading the other person at all. They are not engaged with the other because they are sitting on the edge of the Void. There is nothing at the edge at all. There is nothing there to be tapping into or attuning to. So it is important to recognise that One does not have either the right nor the opportunity to tap into another without being given that right at all. One has to be allowed in.

A: Given permission, yes.

M: Permission, that is correct. So then, what is it that is being delivered? Something that is unnecessary or what One wants to give or what One wants to believe and so on. The distortions begin.

When somebody asks the question then the question in itself is the permission. The question has its own resonance. It has its own frequency, as such, and so stimulates that which is the responsibility for its own action. Do you understand what I mean? Then, the channel isn’t anything other than the technician making the connections and ensuring that the connection is as clear as possible, has as little noise as possible, has as little distortions and, not only that but, is delivered in an appropriate language. The words then, that we choose, are essential. They are not random or anything else and over the time you have been in these discussions, in these conversations, many words have been emphasised because of their specifics and importance. So it is such an essential part of the communication.

And that then leads us to the second part of my Dear One’s (Francis the channeller) original question.

The difference between the spiritual consciousness and science.

As you can perceive, as we have spoken, consciousness is without content. In other words it does not instil with it any belief. Only that it is an arising from something that is unconscious into something that is perceivable and One can find meaning. That is, it is understood. Whereas spirit, as such, is confusing because there are so many interpretations of what is a spirit. One often perceives these as angelic forms, or messages from those that have passed over from physicality and many other spiritual concepts whether that is imbued with religious overtones or something else. You understand?

A: Yes

M: Everyone then is talking in their own understanding rather than something that has no added understand. So often then, there is much confusion to what is within the spiritual realms and it is so often then converted into ideologies and ideas that certainly inhabit the mental realms.

A: Are we heading towards a time where we will all understand the same meaning of spirit?

M: The essence of anything we could assume is the spirit of it. And we have talked in our last interview how one arrives at the creative form by focussing it into a singularity. The singularity then contains all information required to engender the creation that was first conceived. Do you follow what I mean?

A: Yes I do.

M: And that is the “spirit” of it. The centre, the point, from which it is its emergence. And so then One is left with a singularity that has no description because it is the point. It is what is in your mathematics called the loci. That is the very point with no dimension. It has no dimension and in terms of your science, as we bring it in, as Science already understands that as a thing of any description approaches ultimate mass, ultimate weight, as it comes to a point of absolute temperature, it arises and declines to a singularity. So Science already understands everything emerges from the singularity and your Universe came into existence from that point. And with it comes the sound of “the name of God”. That is what it is called.

In reality of course, that is a representation of what we have talked about in previous times. The movement of something over a space of time, over a limit of time. As something emerges, there is movement and every movement causes fluctuations in the continuum. Consciousness then, in a thunder clap. And we talked how that occurs.

A: Mm

M: The magnetic focus, that brings the conceptualisation to a point and allows it to emerge, comes as a flash and thunder clap.

Whether that is auditory, that is, whether your ear is attuned to it or not. So often then, there is a conflict in thinking between science and spirit. In reality of course, science is simply the penetration of knowledge from the Known to the Unknown and it is brought about by the attention being placed upon a simple idea. It is if you like, a simple observable, obvious question. And as soon as the Scientist can ask the question without disturbing it with their own pre-conceived ideas, of course

– it will be come focussed into Consciousness,

– Consciousness will respond

– and the answer will emerge

And how does it emerge? In a scientists mind when the answer emerges is called from your old times the Eureka moment.

A: yes yes

M: Suddenly the Unknown emerges with power and disturbance because it has to push over the old ideas. It has to re-evaluate so many preconceptions. So then both Science and the spirit, your versions are all attempting to penetrate consciousness and it is only the open mind that can truly arrive at certainty.

A: So is this why the “stupid” questions – like we were talking about in our last session – that come from children or from laymen, non-scientists, are often the questions that spur a scientist to new discovery?

M: Of course! and it is often the amateur Scientist that asks the pertinent question.

A: Mm mm

M: It is not to say at all that there is … because you have to honour the Scientist that is operating with an open perception. That is, not trying to fit the Unknown into what is already understood. Because in reality, One moves forward not by Oneself but by the interaction and conversation amongst the many.

So, very often then, the person that finally puts it all together is the one that is most open to allowing old perceptions and ideas to shift. Because, as you can imagine, as you can experience, your own fixed ideas are what cause you the biggest difficulties in life.

A: Yes, but it feels like there’s such an unlimited amount of these boundaries we set up in our minds, I guess all you can do is break down one at a time.

M: You understand how quickly you jump to conclusions! Because as I have said in our other conversations, is that how you perceive it? Then that is how it is!

However, how would you prefer to perceive it?

A: (laughs)

M: That suddenly everything makes sense. That you don’t have to have myriads of boundaries. That it doesn’t have to take a million years or a billion lifetimes. You understand?

A: A big Eureka moment with everything at the same time.

M: Of course. Then enlightenment is only an instant away. The understanding of a problem is but a moment of insight. Many things that you conceived of might suddenly drop with a single insight.

A: Yes

M: The boundaries then are frail and ready to give with every insight and the more you insist on your preconceptions, the harder it is to have any insight. So you can understand for those who are bent upon a religious approach will find it extraordinarily difficult to penetrate Consciousness because the boundaries are preset. They have not even read their own information! They have not even begun to understand that man is made in the image of God. Man is indeed a minor God. That man has the ability to penetrate Consciousness, shall we call it Local Consciousness. Because all that is penetrates all Consciousness, that is, the globalness of Consciousness. You understand?

A: Um. I think so. I’ve been wondering as we move forward and we realise how much more unified we are, that we’re not so separate, whether… you talked before about losing the ownership, that we will not be so possessive over “this one came up with the insight and this one did not.”

M: Of course

A: That we will understand when one person gets the insight, to me it feels like they push against the inside of the bubble to push it out a little bit further of what is Known. Does that make sense?

M: Of course.

A: That, here’s our limitation of what is Known and each time someone gets an insight they push the inside of the bubble out and make it a little bit bigger for everyone.

When Other Life (Past life) Insights are useful or irrelevant

M: Localised Consciousness is the limits that One puts inside of Consciousness. For example, when one is emerging, there is little point in gaining insights that were at a different locality in the space time continuum. You understand? So when One was in a Medieval – in your frame of reference – timeframe, then insights at that level are of little relevance in the present state of Humanity.

A: And yet you get regression hypo-therapists who take people back to another life and the insights that they get do seem to benefit their current life.

M: Of course because they are limitations that they have carried over.

A: Right

M: They are carrying them around and projecting them into space-time in the modern location. The current location. They are not relevant of course.

A: So those ones are useful but the other ones are not? The ones… if we don’t remember what it was in the medieval times, then there’s no point getting insight about that?

M: I am saying that there is no point in carrying old limitations …

A: (laughs) no

M: …and what is occurring, as we have pointed out, is there is a Shift in the spiral of Consciousness. The limits are being spread and one begins to have insight about how the physical operation came into existence and One can then be the technician. Put it in your more local tradition.

The Writer of your life

That is, your computer system runs so many programs and the programs are, once begun, operating in their own fashion. One has yet to understand who it is who is typing on your keyboard.

But if you begin to ascend to that new perception One can understand it is an inner sense that One is typing the reality. One is creating the reality by the sequence of keys that you are pressing. Do you follow? You are typing the storyline and at the present time you are acting as if the storyline was dictating you. Does that make sense?

A: As if the storyline was dictating me?

M: In other words you are operating as if you are a real story rather than there is an inner location that is essentially the typist who is writing the story. Do you follow? You are the author of your creation.

A: Yes

M: And you have descended into it in Consciousness. Let us give this more form. The Author is writing the story. In order for it to make logical sense they have to descend into the story and act it.

A: Live it out yes.

M: Live it out, of course. If you did not you would not know comes next.

A: Yes

M: However, when you do that and you forget you are the Author, then you get caught up in the storyline. You think that you have no choices. Do you follow what I mean?

A: Yes I am getting the double meaning of this now. I understand.

M: So when the Shift in Consciousness takes shape, that is in reality One will step back into the boots of the Author.

A: Yes yes!

M: And you will begin to see that you can turn this story into anything you like. Is it going to be yet another tragedy?

A: (laughs)

M: Or are you going to make it into a comedy? Or is it a drama or an adventure? You understand? Is it a factual novel? Is it a love story? You understand?

A: Yes, yes

M: Many possibilities. Much fun!

A: Yes indeed!

M: But only if you are the Author. Otherwise you are forced to be the story.

A: That’s it. A great perspective.

M: You understand. And that is the essential part. Do not type another word! And suddenly what occurs is you begin to halt. You begin to realise there is nothing you have to do. You can be in conversation with the Author and we are providing the “technology” for that.

A: Right. The technology is not necessarily electronic, is it.

M: No we are providing it for the mind. I am saying that I am the translator only because you have not adopted that position yourself. You have not entered into your own conversation with your inner self, your Author self.

A: Yes

M: When that occurs on a ready basis then creation will take on a very different perspective. You understand? Because YOUR story is not even connected to everyone else’s. You understand? It seems as if there is one storyline and you are only able to be in the one story. The reality is there are a myriad of storylines interacted, inter-dependant and inter responsive.

A: Mm yep.

M: Isn’t that potent?

A: It is very potent.

M: You understand. Because if you begin to question your storyline, to question your Author, what is the Author’s plan? You understand, it is not random, it is not just writing the story for no purpose. The story is to educate. The story is to entertain.

A: (laughs)

M: You understand what I mean? Nobody writes a boring story unless the point is to stimulate the boredom. There is nothing better than boredom.

A: (laughs)

M: There is nothing better than boredom!  Because when you are bored enough then you will decide to change.

A: Yes I understand that and it’s a lot better than just sitting in the same spot mildly content. I see what you mean. It’s better to be bored.

M: Of course then you can consider what it is that would make this a more interesting story. And always it is the same. Stop doing what you’re doing. Stop doing it!

A: Yep. Alright. (looking very sheepish here)


A: That’s a good lesson for today. (laughs) More time to stop and listen inside. Have the conversation inside.

M: I want to say thank you for your time and we will continue with our story line.

A: Wonderful. I can’t wait.

M: Then good morning.

A: Thank you Mercredan.



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