Moving from 3d to 5d worldI find when I read back over transcripts of my own and other people’s sessions with Mercredan that each gets a different style of delivery. Mercredan once said that his name is really just a reference point so we know what we’re talking about. The entity never existed on Earth as a person. But he (and I call him a “him” simply because the entity speaks through a male channeler) has also said that when you speak to Source through a channeller you are basically speaking to your higher self. So, for people really going through a hard time, the voice is quiet, comforting and encouraging. For those who need a kick up the bum, the voice speaks far more plainly which can be a bit of a shock at the time, much like a kick up the bum, but gets the message across when you are strong enough to absorb the effect and make use of the message rather than being offended.

In this session below it was my turn for a kick up the bum and, if you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll know its not the first time.

Protecting the mechanism of Victimhood is a fascinating subject. From the time we are children we pick up on how to behave based on the reaction we get from others around us. If it works in our favour, no matter how unethical, no matter whether or not it is beneficial in the larger scheme of things, we’re going to keep doing it.

I remember being hit by Glandular fever as a teenager and sleeping for 23 hours a day for 4 weeks leaving me a shadow of my former self. As I slowly started to recover, my mother had put me out under the shade on a sunny day to get some warmth and fresh air. My father came by to say something which made me smile. He said to me “that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile in such a long time” and my instant reaction was to lose the smile. Why? Because whenever I was doing well, I was ignored if not disdained as far as I could see. Only when I looked like I was on my death bed did I get the slightest nuance of care from him.

Interesting stuff? Ooh! I have a million of those stories and I bet there are plenty of people in the world who could match or better my stories. To be weak, picked on, falling down, in need of help, we get the attention we yearn for. Yet, once we give ourselves the attention, we no longer need it from others. Then, as the Law of Paradox goes, once you no longer reach out for something, it comes to you effortlessly.

So this session we looked at finding that victim style of thinking and using that fabulous series of questions he has mentioned to find your way out of it. Then you can become who you are meant to be in order to fulfil your soul’s destiny. Sounds dramatic yet, what possibilities it opens up!

Mercredan session

Channelled by Francis Evans in Bali

Interviewed by Annabelle Drumm
3 May 2016

Topics: inner vs. outer world, an investigation to complete, Fantasy vs. observing and learning, becoming more present, recognising the mechanism of Victimhood



M: Good afternoon, once again it is my privilege and pleasure to come and spend these few moments of your time.

(25 seconds of silence – he is listening)

M: At the present there does not seem as if there is anything specific that I am being told to start with so shall we begin a conversation?

A: Wow that’s a first time.

M: Well, shall we say it is important only to stay in the present time in the process and One does not want to simply say something only for the purpose of saying something.

Inner vs. Outer World

A: Yes, only for the hell of it. OK. Um, I’d like to continue on from the conversation we had last week because I have been putting my focus on being a part of the environment and being aware of it in a different kind of way and connecting with more people. So last time we spoke the feedback seemed to be that I was not being very obedient (to my intuition) and fighting against the flow. Do you have any feedback on how I am doing this time around?

M: Hm, I want to say this. Shall we start with, your world is one of interaction, interconnectedness. So it is that it provides always whatever you need at the time that you need it and while that might not seem  ____ (internet freezing) “ness” when One is struggling to make the world obey self rather than One obeying one’s destiny. This is where the concept of destiny comes in. When One is aligned with where One is deciding to go then the Universe provides the mechanisms to get there. Do you follow what I mean? So it is that One is guided if One is willing. Otherwise One struggles against the odds, as it were. Does that make sense?

A: Well it does but again I am trying to get clear on… you say where I decide to go… and yet, if I am deciding, it is no longer being obedient, is it?

M: The inner decisions and the outer decisions. That is the difference between the thinking mind and the inner directions. One is not talking so much about where the mind wants to take you but where the soul is best at fulfilling its purpose.

An investigation to complete

When we first began talking about the Shift in Consciousness, this was what you wanted to investigate and so it is then, you set in motion the investigation of Consciousness and everything from then on is aligned with that investigation. To try to turn off the investigation at this point will only cause disruptions in the field before it can realign in another direction.

A: OK. So if I look at my personal life as it goes along and looking at different areas of development; if I keep that umbrella investigation in mind as I go through each part, that will work better?

M: Shall we say, One wanted to investigate and One has explored certain arenas and we talked about our contract in putting your ideas, your thoughts into an agreed volume, but that has been put to the side.

A: The writing of the novel? (This is writing a book summing up of the last five years of study with Mercredan.)

M: Of course.

A: Yes (Uh oh, another abandoned project.)

M: And you have put it aside because you think that you do not have what it takes to put that into place. Do you follow?

A: So if I continue along with that, that is part of our contract?

M: Of course, and as you begin to put into words what you are discovering in your exploration then you start to see what it is that has been overlooked because you have too many projects on the boil. So your creative energy is split in too many directions. What directions are you putting into agreements and what directions are you trying to force into play?

A: So if I put all those projects on the shelf and just write the novel, the Universe will look after me? (looking skeptical)

M: I am saying that you cannot simply extract yourself from the world because your exploration requires interaction with the world as you know it. That is how the Shift in Consciousness is occurring. You also are looking at, how can you apply this new viewpoint? How do you put it into practice in ways that are useful and open the doorway to others? Then it begins to become clearer what it is that is getting in your own way of shifting yourself into the current. Do you understand what I mean by that?

A: Yes I do

M: So you when you shift into the current you are applying the tools, the rules that you are exploring and, in doing so, you set in motion the currency. Then you start to realise that you have something valuable in your hence (? 10:03). And that valuable asset can set you free.

A: You said it was valuable in my hence?

M:: I want to say it is valuable because you can put it to use so that the currents begin to flow properly. You are beginning to recognise the key factors that have been misunderstood all along. Whatever factors that are stopping that flow in your life operate in many other people’s lives as well. Do you follow what I mean? So you are collecting together a wide range of experiences and, shall we talk about, a new “package”. But it all begins when you start to put into words your own experience of the shifting in consciousness and that means being very clear not to over apply the analysis (Click here to read session 26 April 2016 for more details on this) but to review it from a more detached position as the Author of your experience. Do you follow what I mean?

A: Yes I do.

M: Because until you can pull yourself out of the situation you will not cease feeding the situation as it stands. That is why the metaphor for the writer allows you to disentangle yourself from the experience. What occurs is you become attached to the sensational world, attached to the sense and attached to the problem as a problem. When you look at your situation and you analyse it and consider it “this is the problem”. Do you follow?

A: Well, maybe what I think is the problem is not the problem at all. It’s something else otherwise I would have sorted it by now.

M: Of course. The problem is not a thing, the problem is how One approaches factors and with what considerations, what ideas and how you view that situation. When you see that it is always a challenge, it is always filled with creativity, it is always ready to be plucked like a ripe fruit. Do you follow? The problem is not a problem. The problem is the solution to many other factors and that is why a Shift in Consciousness is the solution, not activities on the ground.

A: Yes yes

M: You can, if you like, work hard to change the event or you can shift your viewpoint on it. That might come about when you start to write down your experience and what you understand about how Consciousness operates and we have talked deliberately many times in this regard. There are many keys in all of the work that we have done over the times and it is not so much going back and reporting it as it is realising, how is it that with all of this I am still not getting the change in viewpoint? When you operate out of that level, when you start to see that your life is a great exploration, One is always interacting with Consciousness and it follows very distinctive laws in your Universe. We have stated so often that these laws follow the sequence of paradox, polarity and magnetism. The answer to a question is always, what is the consequence that I am experiencing right now? What would I have to have put into place in order to have experienced this consequence rather than another? What consequence would I prefer? and what would I have to do, think and FEEL in order to attract that? What is it that I am avoiding? Do you follow what I mean here?

A: Yes

M: Because for some people, very often, they can dig their heels in a long time. So one consequence of digging One’s heels in is that One generates more motivating circumstances to shift One.

A: I’ve certainly created that.

Fantasy vs. Observing and learning

M: So if then that is the consequence, then what would have to shift to change the circumstance to a more profitable one? That is not an ideation. That is not a fantasy. You understand, it is not thinking “All things are so beautiful. That is the thinking then it will come.” Of course not. If you fantasise you will get a fantastic wake up call.

A: (laughs)

M: You understand

A: Yes

M: and this is what so many people think that they understand Consciousness by fantasising about it, imagining that it is a certain way rather than observing, being very observant of the present experiences, taking note of everything. Because observation, that is being totally present, as we have said so many times, being present to the moment is what brings awareness to the centre.


A: Right

Becoming more present

M: Shall I suggest then, if you look at the room that you are in and you can see everything, how many items can you allow yourself to see? Can you make that more? Can you observe more and more and more things in your world? You become more present and less conscious of your medical mind. The mind that is trying to figure everything out, to make sense of it and to make it ordered and rational.

A: Is it really that simple. Is that all there is to it…

M: You understand, right away you want to make it more complex and you think it is a simple action.

A: (laughs) No, I know it’s such a habit to break, isn’t it, when you’ve got a busy mind.

M: Of course! So you are an habitual state of mind filling it up with constant planning instead of being present and recognising that all the planning in the world will not open you to the moment of the present. It will not bring you the gift that the present is. Then you miss opportunities that are presented immediately in your field because the mind has forgotten itself once again and you are living inside a fantasy world. The idea then, is that you create your world as a fantasy. All the teachings say “make an image of what you want da da dee” and so on. However, that is only a replica. That is you have created exactly what you want but in another dimension that is not the physical.

(Imagination lives in the 4th Dimension. It is real but not yet in the 3D physical world.)

M: In order to create in the physical you have to turn up in the physical. You have to realise that the physical is not against you, that you are not being forced by the physical and you have to change the physical by impressing another world upon it. Does this make sense and are we tying up some loose ends here?

A: Um, yes. Well, I’m thinking of even of earlier today when I went into the city, was I missing opportunities there as well. Can we use that as an example?

M: Were you present? Were you missing anything as you think back? What did you say? What did you miss when you scan in your memories? Did you miss something that drew your attention? Did you see, shall we say, a particular letter box that suddenly brought something to mind? Do you understand, a particular person who reminded you of something that you had put aside? Do you follow what I mean? It is all around all of the time.

A: Are these actual things from earlier today that you are bringing up as examples?

M: Shall I say, rather than, it always is difficult to bring in exactly what is missing. First of all, there are too many frameworks that interact from our point of view. However there are some likely to have some similarity at least in those things.

(I am looking confused)

M: I think there is some form of church or some form of cathedral which you have passed in your trip. Some building such as that which brought to mind a particular incident in your life in previous times.

A: A church I can think of was one near the train station.

M: And what did it trigger? …

A: I am trying to guess here with my brain and just making it up.

M: Of course, you have to put it aside because in the end it isn’t your brain making it up that is important, it is your unconscious mind, the inner mind that is picking up the sensory values around this. So put it to the back of your mind and just let it sit there while you put your attention on the tasks for the day… Somewhere in this there is a thread. Not thinking about this but just bringing it back into awareness. What is it in your life is necessary, what is missing and how does this bring you back on to task?

A: Necessary and missing. … Um. I guess I’ll just have to let it sit.

M: Of course, in the background, letting it bring out what is missing and what you are avoiding in your life. What is it you think is one thing and brings about avoidances that set in motion the patterns of the experience. At the same time, watching your process. Watching, how is it that I have missed this, so that you can add this to your research.

A: OK, alright.

M: Because as you set aside some time for writing your research notes then you become more and more capable of discovering what it is that is valuable. You have plenty of what is valuable already but you have not valued what you have.

A: Yes I get that and I think what continues to pop up that if I’ve dug my heels in so hard that I am now running out of resources… you’re saying that’s a useful motivation, I’m wondering if that’s preventing me from writing.

M: Shall we say, is it preventing you or is what is behind that preventing you from taking any action at all? One can make that the problem rather than realise that this is the motivating factor that will set you in motion and will free up all of the resources that you have.

A: Right. OK. Just keep present while I do the exercise and the research…

M: and not just that but if you keep digging in your heels in in any part of life, look at it. What is it that you are trying to protect?

A: OK, good question. (the ultimate brush off)

M: Because you think one way and then you fall into the pattern of wanting to impress yourself on the world rather than allowing the universe to be as supportive as it is.

A: Yeh ok

(This is exhausting. To keep interacting being open to new work but remove the pattern of impressing myself on the world feels like such a paradox. To stop putting action on the ground and somehow magnetise in what I need feels very upside down to me. Obviously the conclusion to this investigation will be an epiphany to me with cymbals crashing in a decent finale. Bring it on!)

M: You understand, immediately the thought.

A: (laughs) Oh, that’s just like the biggest mystery ever and I know once I’ve got it I’ll be flying but at the moment it feels like my magic carpet is heading vertically downwards.

(Click here to read the magic carpet conversation.)

M: Do you understand, the very feeling is as much important as any thought or any action. If you do something and you have convinced yourself you can do it but underneath you feel you are not worthy of it then everything is simply a waste of time.

A: Yes

M: and if you think that you cannot overcome the feelings then you are building them a solid foundation. So the question is what are you protecting?

A: What am I protecting?… My victimhood?

M: Isn’t that interesting? And how much effort does it take to protect it?

A: A lot

M: Because there are many things, many actions you could take but that would eliminate it as a mechanism, then you can no longer ever rely on it in the future. So it is a safety mechanism.

(long pause while I digest the idea)

M: How does that sit?

A: I need to sit with it further I think. This is um…

M: I want you to get to the point where you shift your feelings so that you begin to feel that underneath this is a great gift. (so gently)  So rather than slipping back into the endless “considering”, drop the thinking mind and just give it to the Divine. You have asked and asked for this skill (channelling)  and now is the time to tap into it.


M: Is that enough for today?

A: Thank you, yes, it’s probably one of the most precious that we’ve done so far.

M: Then thank you once again for all your efforts and the time, for helping with our exploration and eventually committing it into, shall we say, a helpful manual. Then thank you and good afternoon.



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