World shift consciousness autism giftedLilou Macé recently interviewed an woman with Austism and her mother who explained the Autistic daughter was a gifted, multi-dimensional being. Other channellers have confirmed this as well. You’ll find it referenced in the Barbara Marciniak 2015 predictions around the 32.05 mark and Kryon talked about in June last year here.

Below is the video interview and I’ve transcribed the words Lyrica said.

Although it looks as though Lyrica is roughly typing the message, I would say pretty much all of the message is going to her mother telepathically.


Check out my interview with Mercredan on Lemurians, Atlantians and the invention of language here.

You won’t understand telepathy until you’ve experienced it. The first time I experienced it was when attending a Braco session. Braco is a highly spiritual person who heals and raises the vibration of the majority of his audience through a loving gaze. That sounds a little weird until you see it in person and hear the incredible stories of healing which happen.

Is it placebo? Maybe. The human mind is incredible in what it can do if it can pass on the credit to something or someone else. “Jesus healed me.” “An angel did it.” “My guides gave me the miracle and I was instantly healed.” We’re just not very good at accepting the possibility of instant healing could be within our own power.

Anywhoo, at the Braco session we were given an introduction and watched a film of him working in other parts of the world which builds his credibility so there is positive expectation in the room. This always improves the results – any psychic or doctor can tell you that, it’s like warming the crowd up.

We were in a long room with the stage at one narrow end – event planning wise this was a dumb idea as less people can see him on the stage while we are standing. I was about 3/4 way back, so a long way away from him. Lucky I’m reasonably tall.

Braco mounts the stage and begins his gazing. I’m looking at people start to sway or fidget. I’m watching him as his eye passes over the people. Not methodically but randomly.

In a single instant he looks me straight in the eye and drops this telepathic message in my head.

“There are other people here who need me more than you.”

I found myself nodding in agreement and immediately went to leave the room but, then decided to stay and watch the “show”.

Wait a minute. How did I get that clear message? It arrived like an email. Complete and whole. Not a stream of words coming one at a time, but the whole thing – yeah, like an email.

I didn’t think it up. I know it came from him.

I wish I could have got up there next to him and helped him with the job. Every where he goes he is faced with crowds of people who have got themselves out of alignment and there’s only so much he can do for them. Many will be there saying they wish to be healed but sub-consciously hold on to their troubles and their illness because it is something they are comfortable with. So he can’t help all of them no matter how hopeful they appear to be.

One more thing to note: Braco doesn’t speak English. So the message that came through was up to me to translate into my own language. This means telepaths can communicate with any one – human or non-human.

Coming back to this Autism video below, when you see the mother sprout a bundle of words altogether this, I believe, is the telepathic flow of words.

Hopefully, when you watch it you will think twice about turning away from an Autistic person. Approach them with respect, an empty, open mind and curiosity; and you may just find a whole new way of communication open up to you. They will pick up on your vibe, as I expect most disabled people can, and will react accordingly.

Running Business in the Future

Note her view of how we will be working in the future. Rather than setting a Mission Statement, goals and objectives, decisions and the best genius ideas will come from absolute stillness. Meditation. It’s a pat on the back for me matching the article I wrote for a business network earlier in the year here.

Can you imagine the boardroom filled with relaxing chairs, couches or rugs on the floor in a semi-darkened room where people will sit in a circle, get in tune with each other and build a creative flow of ideas from which they can discuss telepathically in a fraction of the time it takes to use the spoken word?

In a flash, they’ll be out of the boardroom, everyone knowing what they are to do next, perfectly understanding the concept – no mis-communication, no egos interrupting – and go about their productive day.

With this advanced style of creativity and productivity you could complete this work earlier in the day, knowing no mistakes were made and it was a guaranteed success. Head for the beach in the afternoon!

The work of the future!

Non-Verbal Autistic Lyrica’s words from the video below


Lyrica: This interview is not a Human event. It is prearranged by the higher authorities of this Universe and I am pleased to show up and do my part.

Lilou: What is your part, Lyrica?

Lyrica: I am a Master of the forces of nature here in Sedona and when the gateways open, I am given the clue on where and how to be. And the interesting thing about us is how we don’t necessarily do anything. We just stand in who we are and allow the power of Divine flow to express through us energetically and sometimes, like today, in messages.


Lilou: What are your favourite things to talk about? To connect to?

Lyrica: You have now gotten my attention. The earlier conversation is a bit old to me. I want to speak of the new Earth that is happening now. Everyone talks about it, yet few feel its vibration like we do – and I’m talking about my non verbal autistic brothers and sisters. We gather together in a higher dimensional forcefield often to confer on what’s happening in this Earth and its ascension process and we gather because we have a specific role to play and that’s where my life sits now. I am in Sedona, in the perfect place to create sacred community for the peace of the new Earth that belongs to us, and we are holding in-home meditations to create a vehicle for the transmission of our wisdom and energetic time table to share our frequency and new science coming in with others.

The issue for us and why we are now holding sacred community meditations – we call the New Earth Meditation Group – is because we are holding the blueprint or the seedpod, yet because of our form that is not so physically embodied, we need a safe space and loving presence of others more physically embodied to be able to bring our assistance to Humanity. And in our group some of the Sedona meditators are beginning to step up over time to be our translators bringing in and anchoring to Earth these new energies, this new wisdom and ultimately the spiritual initiations that we have yet to open up to and share.

I love this talk and I want to say a few more things. In the old way of creation, mum calls it “in the Boardrooms of Corporations”, the way of making things happen used to be by Mission Statements, Goals and Objectives and steps to create them. In the new Earth this old way is now dead. It goes nowhere and we shall see how that unfolds.

Now the only way to create in the new World is to begin in a state of stillness. Deep stillness. Something we know well. And in this Self heart zone we can cross over into what is known as, what is sometimes called, the Void, The All That Is, the Tao. And in this place of formlessness is where Divine creation can flow. I love calling it the watery flow because I actually see it coming down out of origin and expressing through me, or another near me that I can see, and the great news for us, – my brothers and sisters who are non-verbal Autistic – is even though our bodies are compromised, we are expertly templated to do this Divine Creation work. And even those who don’t remember who they are yet are already doing this work by simply being in their families and their communities because their vibration shifts everything around them. Whether or not people see this as struggle or opportunity, it’s still happening.

But what if many many many many non-verbals came together and organised in the etherial and we are such experts at telepathy… ?


Lilou: What does this book represent to you, Lyrica?

Lyrica: My love letter to the World and my hope for the non-verbal and other Autistic families to evolve in the grand design way that we were all meant to receive and live this experience in Autism.

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