Lou author comedian comedienne life coaching with Kitegirl

Name: Lou
Location: Australia
Occupation: Very busy Author, Actor, Comedian, Keynote Speaker, solo mum and Clown Doctor for a children’s hospital

Life was pretty crazy. Lou was feeling burnt out and wanted to improve her work life balance as well as focussing on career development.

Through fortnightly life and career coaching and mentoring with Kitegirl Annabelle Drumm, Lou was able to reduce job stress and anxiety, bring the career choices she was most passionate about into sharp focus and lay out the career plan she didn’t think was previously possible.

“Annabelle’s exceptional organisational skills and wisdom helped me gain clarity in all areas of my life. At every session she gave me practical and insightful advice on how to achieve more in my career. She is a great listener and has the life experience to motivate and challenge. Annabelle inspired me to pursue the goals I have long felt were out of my reach and I am now being paid for my writing. After 12 mentoring sessions with Annabelle I feel liberated!

I cannot recommend her enough as a life coach,
she has truly made a huge difference in my life.”

Want to get over your divorce and boost your career development? Contact Kitegirl about her Skype, phone or face to face coaching service here.