I love this interview by Gregg Braden. He’s the one that really brought attention to the ancient calendars all around the world pointing to 21 December 2012 being the turning point of the end of the old world and the beginning of another, not just in a 5,000 year cycle but a bigger movement (a new Epoch as Mercredan calls it) of a 25,000 year cycle which will create a totally different way of living.

In this video he talks about his Cherokee heritage teaching of the Single Eye of the Heart which sees without judgement or thought.

Some more points covered:

  • Many older races on the planet can physically manipulate matter and form through aligning thought, feeling and emotion so they are One.
  • When something hurts you, acknowledge the feeling, ask what the feeling is telling you without judging the cause, then bless it as an experience to bring up the feeling (= opportunity to release the baggage).
  • Base the prayer for peace on a feeling you live all through life rather than something you just do for a moment.
  • Compassion aligns us with the matrix that holds the Universe together.
  • The language of Science is only about 400 years old whereas ancient languages can be 7,000 years old. Science has spent much time trying to prove everything is connected. The ancient languages already know this and have used the time to explore how.
  • Emotions in the heart can heal the body – even cancer
  • No need to go from workshop to workshop. Just spend your time integrating what you’ve already learnt.



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