It’s been a week of sharing little videos, hasn’t it? Not normal for me but I like to keep them in one place so I can refer back to them when needed.

This quick one is from the YouTube channel Awakening the Truth. Using an artificial voice to read the Automatic writing, the author appears to want to stay anonymous, which is fine. The message is still nice and clear.

The analogy here is to look at pen meeting paper when you are writing. The ball of the pen meeting the paper is not where the words come from. No, it is just the tool for interpretation and communication of the message. The message comes from the person.

When you look inside and connect to your Higher self or Bigger Self, the answers that come in are wise and pure. Then it’s up to you to be the interpreter and communicator.

Mercredan has talked about that interpretation being a key as well. If you have limiting beliefs or baggage left over which you allow to muck up the message, he talks about it being like water flowing through a dirty pipe. The message was pure and clear when it goes in one end but becomes sullied by the time it comes out the other end.

Our job is to not only tune into the message via our intuition, but to lose all judgement and opinion of it. Just speak it, write it, do it exactly as we are told. Sometimes the instructions are puzzling or make us think we’ll look silly.

A good example of that was me sitting outside the lotto shop one time considering buying a ticket. I got the message to turn to look at the lady on my right. There sitting beside me was an old lady with a walking stick and a hole in the sleeve of her pilled navy cardigan.

The message was to open my wallet and give her money. I pulled out my wallet but, then the message was to give her ALL my money. There wasn’t much, maybe $40-50 but I immediately popped my judgement in there and started arguing in my head “I can’t do that, she’ll think I’m nuts. That’s stupid. She’ll turn me down anyway.” blah blah blah.

Then I put my wallet away and left.

Later in the day I realised it had been a test and my lottery win depended on it. Epic fail, I would say!

I laugh about it now. Take the lesson. When you get a strong urge to do something good, to say something, to make an action – even a touch of the arm of someone or to ask if they are ok; to take charge, to write a note. Whatever it is, TRUST it. Trust it.

The more you “obey” – which sounds a little domineering I understand, but it is a good word – the more clear you’ll hear your intuition in the future and be given more interesting and meaningful things to do.

It’s time to start tuning in. Time to find your wisdom!

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