Brad Johnson The Event

Brad Johnson, the Reality Whisperer is one who channels a number of different entities. I liked this very simple and easy to understand video about The Event which many are talking about. What is The Event? Some speculation talks about the 3 days of black from the Sun as described in the Bible (must check the reference on that, I think it’s Revelations), others say it will be blinding white, others say it will be energetic and not seen at all. The results, however, will be very physical and “real” to us including being able to see what has been hidden or what we have refused to see before. This will lead to much tipping back into balance the power that has been hoarded by a few who take advantage of the many, a re-hash of the financial system, the welfare system, the healthcare system etc. leading to an easier and more prosperous way of life for the majority.

My personal view is that once we care for all people, the stress of survival will drop. With stress gone, violence will drop away, less laws broken, general health will improve and the level of creativity and innovation will escalate way beyond anything we’ve ever seen on the planet before. See this article on the effects of the Universal Basic Income for more examples.

It has been mentioned by a number of channels, Mercredan included, that what we are going through right now is a separation which sort of polarises the population. Mercredan explained it like a separation of train tracks. People with closed minds who wish to continue on living the way they are now will have less opportunity to jump tracks to a different way of living later on. The tracks will widen so that, in 3 years time, the other tracks you might like to jump to are no longer visible and it will take a tremendous amount of effort and commitment to try to reach. (Not sure what happens if you jump but then can’t find your way to the other track – that might be a stretch of the analogy.)

So working on yourself, just as the channel advises in this video too, is a priority. Opening the mind, opening the heart, releasing all your baggage, revenge, jealousy, anxiety, frustrations, feelings of unworthiness etc.; finding compassion for others and pulling up your sleeves to take action making the community around you safer, tidier, more peaceful, considerate and pleasant for everyone who lives within it.

There is so much focus in mainstream and social media about separation between groups of people we forget we are a single species.

Treat your fellow beings with respect and the freedom of free will. You can point out consequences but usually need to let them learn this for themselves (providing they are not actually harming themselves or others, obviously).

Give up pushing your opinions on people who have not asked for them. Don’t paint yourself as a hero out to help people when you’re really just impinging on their privacy. When they are ready to be helped they will seek it or will draw in the person whose intuition prompts the appropriate gentle, supportive action.

This blog is filled with so many ways you can do your self improvement. Have a browse through to find a single lesson you can work on today.

In this video the channel, Brad Johnson, describes his perspective of what The Event will be like. It’s not a one off event but the channel feels it will be a notable one. It’s a lovely presentation I think you’ll enjoy.


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