Apple tax haven royal commissionBashar, channelled by Darryl Anka said a few months back that in the Fall (Autumn) of the Northern Hemisphere there “will be a moment where everything will change”. Ever since then, I continued to wonder what that would be. A major meteorological catastrophe? Wall St crash? Euro crash? What would affect all the world at once?

Of course, from a higher perspective these channelled entities often see a tipping point which, once reached, allows us to start moving in a very different direction relatively quickly. For us little perspectives down here on Earth that tipping point may seem pretty insignificant at the time and we only notice the different direction as it becomes apparent later.

So, I’ve been keeping my eye on the news, scooting over the propaganda, to dig out what that shift might be and this might be it.

In this article from yesterday$20b/7801970 it is reported that the Royal Commission has demanded Apple Computers pay back taxes of $20 billion (reported today as being $14 billion but hey, whatever, it’s still a hell of a lot of tax). Further down the article you will see a simplified diagram of how Apple have so far got away with it. I’m very sure there are many other multi-nationals to use the same principal.

In the diagram it shows “Apple Sales International” was set up in Ireland to house all the sales income from Europe. The meagre funds Apple decided to keep there were taxed by the Irish government at 1 percent initially, then by 2013 it was down to a tax rate of 0.005 percent. The rest of the funds would be allocated to “Apple Head Office” which does not actually exist. It has no physical premises and no staff so is not taxed at all.

When Mercredan talks about the world currency being like the current of a river in this article, he says it is stopped by too many corporate damns along the way, there is barely a drop left for the populace to water their plants with downstream. Finding a way to remove some of those damns so the current can flow again is what we need to prevent a future worldwide revolution of starving people.

What could the Irish government do with $20 billion extra dollars? I assume it would be expected they would have to redistribute to the countries where the sales were actually made for a start. How many other big companies could be hit that way?

I read an article a while back about the Australian Tax Department pinpointing Media (Murdoch and Packer) and Mining (e.g. – Reinhart) being major players in allocating funds elsewhere as well. No matter what the Department Tax Auditors did the Corporate accountants would find a way to use the Tax Department’s own rules against them to make sure little or no tax is paid to the Australian Government. Curious no one would bother to close the loop holes for all these years, don’t you think?

Yet, it’s not just about each individual country cleaning its act up. Funds really can be shot around the world in the flash of a moment so to bring all governments together and make a global policy which means there are no places (e.g. – Panama, Nevada, Swiss banks or a Head Office like Apple’s which is nowhere) where funds can be allocated for tax avoidance would get the currents flowing a lot more abundantly. A big injection of funds back to any local government can be used to improve what we’ve all been jumping up and down about forever – hospitals, education and infrastructure.

Full transparency and accountability is where the world is heading. How fast we get there is dependant on how loud your protest is that Government and Court officials will be ousted if they hold back on making those decisions.

Here is a piece of the longer Bashar lecture mentioned above

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